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ZombieKiller's Profile

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Last online: April 26, 2016, 11:05 am
Interactions Today: 0
Pokémon Views Today: 0
Pokémon Eggs Adopted Today: 0
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ZombieKiller's Eggs

This user currently does not have any eggs.

ZombieKiller's Party Pokémon

Lv: 15 (2.2k / 10k)

Active Pokémon • Box 1Box 2Box 3Box 4Box 5
Box 6Box 7Box 8Box 9Box 10

Lv: 2 (2.7k / 12.5k)

Lv: 2 (4.5k / 8k)

Lv: 2 (11.8k / 12.5k)

Lv: 3 (9.4k / 10.6k)

Lv: 3 (9.9k / 10k)

Lv: 6 (243 / 10.6k)

Lv: 7 (7k / 8k)

Lv: 5 (931 / 12.5k)

Ball ripper
Lv: 7 (3.7k / 12.5k)

Lv: 8 (3.1k / 10.6k)

Lv: 6 (229 / 16.4k)

Lv: 13 (5.7k / 6k)

Lv: 10 (4.4k / 10k)

Lv: 12 (790 / 8k)

Lv: 9 (128 / 10k)

Lv: 9 (2.6k / 10.6k)

Lazy banana
Lv: 9 (5.9k / 10.6k)

Lv: 11 (4.4k / 10k)

Lv: 9 (8.1k / 10.6k)

Unicorn snake
Lv: 9 (9.1k / 12.5k)

creeper og
Lv: 13 (1.5k / 8k)

Lv: 9 (4.4k / 12.5k)

Stupid bich
Lv: 12 (8.2k / 10k)

deez nuts
Lv: 14 (1.2k / 10k)

Lv: 10 (4.7k / 12.5k)

Lv: 14 (7.6k / 10.6k)

Flop og
Lv: 14 (602 / 12.5k)

Blunt is life
Lv: 16 (1.5k / 10.6k)

bich please
Lv: 17 (1.9k / 10k)

Lv: 100

Stoned kush
Lv: 17 (616 / 10k)

reking ball og
Lv: 13 (10.5k / 12.5k)

banana og crush
Lv: 16 (2.5k / 10k)

Waa sup
Lv: 12 (4.4k / 12.5k)

insane clownpossy
Lv: 14 (10.1k / 10.6k)

Come at me bro
Lv: 18 (22 / 10k)

Lazy ass
Lv: 11 (9.5k / 12.5k)

yo weres the weed at
Lv: 17 (6.3k / 10k)

Blue dream og
Lv: 21 (8.4k / 10.6k)

stoners best friend
Lv: 22 (7.5k / 10k)

Lv: 20 (7.4k / 10k)

blue berry kush
Lv: 20 (8.1k / 10.6k)

Lv: 13 (9.4k / 10k)

Crippled ninja crayon
Lv: 18 (6.4k / 10k)

Baby dealer
Lv: 20 (5.1k / 10.6k)

Flying blunt
Lv: 31 (2.5k / 6k)

yong thug
Lv: 17 (7.1k / 10.6k)

Tissue warrior
Lv: 20 (2.7k / 10k)

Ninja tomato
Lv: 22 (8.1k / 10k)

Crak baby
Lv: 16 (8.4k / 12.5k)

Christmas tree og kush
Lv: 12 (7.2k / 12.5k)

Lava kush
Lv: 19 (6.3k / 10k)

fire og
Lv: 21 (2.3k / 10k)

Let me show you the meaning of
Lv: 18 (4.5k / 12.5k)

ZombieKiller's Released and Bred Pokémon

tpf's Charizard

Felicity's Zubat

Faol's Zubat

pikachupowe1's Crobat

PastelFlame's Magikarp

Pitty Party's Alomomola

PastelFlame's Horsea

squishybunnie's Stoner

FilsDeSatan's Timburr

CrypticValkyrie's Stantler

Hathor's Shinx

PastelFlame's Wailmer

squishybunnie's Machop

squishybunnie's Machop

squishybunnie's Weedle

squishybunnie's Nidoran F

squishybunnie's Bonsly

squishybunnie's Purple ercal og

ZombieKiller's Pokémon Stats
Total Pokémon Obtained: 86Pokémon Currently Active: 55 (Avg. Lv. 15)
Pokédex Pages: 50Shiny Pokédex Pages: 1
Pokémon Evolved: 0Pokémon Released: 31
Pokémon Bred: 9Pokéwalker Steps: 897
Pokémon Medals: 0Times Pokémon Camped: 0
Pokémon Views Today: 0Most Daily Pokémon Views: 15 on July 21, 2024 (#746)
Pokémon Eggs Adopted Today: 0Most Daily Pokémon Eggs Adopted: 0 on ----- (#0)
ZombieKiller's User Stats
Joined: February 5, 2016, 9:33 amInteractions Today: 0
Poké Dollars: 1,825Poké Dollars Spent: 7,250
Items Bought: 1Items Found: 1
Items Sold: 0Achievements Unlocked: 0
Berries Collected: 34Berries Fed to Snorlax: 0
Legendary Number Games Played: 22Legendary Number Games Won: 0
Rare Lottery Tickets Bought: 0Legendary Lottery Tickets Bought: 7
Rare Lottery Wins: 0Legendary Lottery Wins: 0
Times at Mt. Chimney: 43Soot Collected: 1,386
Game Coins: 66Game Coins Flipped: 0
Game Coin Flip Games Won: 0Game Coin Flip Games Lost: 0
Poster Presses: 29Feeling Checks: 0
Times Underwater: 0Most Daily Interactions: 0 on ----- (#0)

ZombieKiller's Items (Show All)

ZombieKiller's Pal Pad
PKMN Master Red, Vibez, WonderBread
Click here to add ZombieKiller to your Pal Pad!